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The more comprehensive business information

The more comprehensive business information

Informa D&B leader in business information services. Thanks to the work of a team formed by more than 300 people, more than 95% financial entities and 89% on Ibex 35 listed companies are active clients of INFORMA.

With such a complete database in the market we do guarantee the most reliable information service for client acquisition, management and analysis.


National information

The larger business, commercial and financial information database of the country being offered to its users with all the information they need on Spanish companies.


International Information

Informa D&B is the only Spanish company that provides online access to the largest database of Business, Financial and Marketing information in the world.


Access to the information

Access online to all the information or integrating it via API.


These figures describe our success as market leaders

replace this dummy text
12 million € invested in data
replace this dummy text
600 million companies in the world
replace this dummy text
8 million of payment experiences
replace this dummy text
7.4 million national economic agents.
replace this dummy text
20 million companies' balance sheets.
replace this dummy text
18 million administration positions


The best business information products for your company



Reduce risks in decision making thanks to the reports with more information in the market.



The most advanced tool to minimise the business risk of your clients in all the phases of the business cycle.




Find marketing solutions for your company by accessing a powerful tool. 

Bankinter bbva caixabank iberdrola santander

More than 95% of the financial entities and 89% of the Ibex35 companies are active clients of INFORMA.

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