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Spanish Information

Spanish Information

Informa D&B is the most complete, reliable and updated information source on more than 7.4 million national economic agents.

We do analyse all available information sources

At Informa D&B we are always on the path to innovation and the use of advanced tools to optimise the processing of all available information sources. 

 Besides, thanks to the application of Big Data technologies we could optimise information processing procedures and offer the best business information monitoring services. 

 We do have the most comprehensive defaults of payments sources

 We do offer a unique payment behaviour information in the market: 
  • Payment Analysis.
  • Paydex: Exclusive national and international payment behaviour indicator. 
  • ICIRED, defaults of payment file. 
  • RIJ, Judicial Unpaid Amounts Register.
  • RAI file: Business operations non-payments register. 
  • ASNEF Empresas: EQUIFAX ASNEF Empresas Business and Financial Defaults of payment
  • EBE Defaults of Payment file: Experian Bank and Multi - sectorial Defaults of Payment file.
  • Legal Actions: Information on administrative claims, legal actions and insolvency proceedings.
We do analyse all available information sources

Spanish Information Data Lake

We have the largest national businesses database as we do invest more than 12 million euros per year in purchasing and processing information. 

We have been feeding national information purchased to official registers into our data lake for more than 30 years. We have a 30 years historic record that can be adapted to offer you customised services for you to access the data when and how you need it.

Access here to get to know the coverage and depth of our Businesses Database.
Spanish Information Data Lake

Distinctive values of our information

National Database

Comprehensive coverage of all the economic agents (companies and business owners) operating in Spain.

More information about our National Database.


We do daily and proactively upload all public and private sources of outstanding information.


Working procedures in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standard.

Proprietary Tools

IT development team formed by more than 50 persons for information processing.


A team formed by more than 120 people that upload, handle and optimise information and Filed Accounts.

ESG Intelligence

Solutions that encompass measurement of all three ESG dimensions to monitor the suppliers’ and customers’ chain and report on compliance with regulatory requirements.
Distinctive values of our information

We want to help you take the best decisions, and thus we have a wide range of Solutions depending on your needs.

Want to know more?


The best business information products for your company



Reduce risks in decision making thanks to the reports with more information in the market.


Marketing and sales

Find profitable clients and increase your sales with our marketing and sales solutions.



Minimise reputation risk, detect conflicts of interest and helps you with compliance.