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Spanish companies Reports

Spanish companies Reports

INFORMA offers you a wide range of business reports to suit your needs and help you make the best decisions. Get to know the different types of reports here.

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National companies Reports

Our Spanish companies reports offer you all kinds of business information about companies of Spanish origin just one click away in your consultation device.

You can access a global executive summary with all the information you need, as well as judicial and insolvency proceedings information, restructuring plan, business risk evaluation, payment behaviour, etc.

In order to know our companies reports service better, you can watch our corporate video, where you can see all the information we provide.

Types of reports

Get to know all of INFORMA's reports, with all the information you are looking for:

Strategic Report

The Strategic Report is one of the most compact reports but also the more comprehensive one, specially designed for senior managers. It covers all the relevant information on a company, including strengths, weaknesses and financial analysis, RAI, ASNEF EmpresasEBE Defaults of Payment, ICIRED, RIJ and Paydex information, payment experiences, Informa's Ratings and Sectorial Risk Rating, among many other relevant data.

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Financial Report

It is the most complete report available; there are in-depth details of a company, including their complete balance sheets, analysis ratios, etc. A very popular report to get to know the status of millions of companies, classified by market sectors.

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Credit Report

This type of company report allows you to have complete information about the business situation of a company before establishing business relations with it.

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Summarized Report

In order to have a quick look at the situation of a company, you can check our Summarized Report.

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Investigated Report

In case you need additional information on a company or you prefer a specialist to research, enlarge or analyse the information, you can choose the Investigated Report.

It is a complete and investigated report that contains the Financial Report and additional investigation blocks.

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Prejudicial report

It collects all the business, financial and register information of the consulted company or sole proprietorship. It is an investigated report which includes information about registered properties and net worth information of the company.

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Modular Products

If you do not need a complete report and you just want to see a specific part of the information about a company, such as: administrators,judicial and insolvency proceedings information, mentions in press articles or payment behaviour; you can visit Informa's Modular Products, the most economical way to access business information.

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International Reports

Informa D&B offers you exclusive access to the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud: Online and Investigated Business Reports on more than 600 million companies all over the world. You can access three types of International Credit Reports depending on your needs: Compact Report, Standard Report and Comprehensive Report. Find out more about International Business Reports.
International Reports

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