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International business information

International business information

After the purchase of Dun & Bradstreet in Spain and Portugal, Informa D&B is the only Spanish company that provides online access to the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud: Business, Financial and Marketing information from more that 600 million companies online all over the world.

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Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network

The relationship of Informa D&B with the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network is divided into two main operating lines:

  • Informa D&B has the exclusive sale rights on Dun & Bradstreet products in Spain and Portugal, Credit Reports, Marketing Databases and added value products.
  • Informa D&B's information on Spanish and Portuguese business and entrepreneurs is the only one sold worldwide through Dun & Brastreet Worldwide Network.

The following Dun & Bradstreet products can be acquired through INFORMA:

Informa D&B International Information Service

With cutting-edge technology, this modern multi-user platform offers new functionalities and advantages to facilitate information management and decision-making


  • Reports on more than 600 million companies
  • Portfolio analysis for more than 220 markets.
  • Corporate linkages and family trees.
  • Customisable global alerts.
  • Reports available in multiple languages.
  • Country Risk Reports


  • Always the best available report, including free of charge business linkages and family tree.
  • Portfolio Manager with Unlimited Consultation.
  • Access to the main indicators updated in real time.
  • Global alerts service and possibility of configuring different notification profiles. 
  • Possibility of downloading data.

The platform is supported by D&B Data Cloud, the most complete and reliable global business information database, with proprietary risk scores and AI-driven predictive analytics.

Do you want to see the new international reports?

Additional information

Informa D&B International Information Service

D&B D-U-N-S Number has become the standard for keeping track of the world's businesses at a global scale.

D-U-N-S Number

Added-value Products for the international risk management

D&B OnBoard

D&B Onboard minimises your company's financial, legal and reputational risk. This tool eases compliance in your company and is the best way to ensure that a company is who it claims to be.

D&B Finance Analytics

D&B Finance Analytics is the Credit Intelligence tool that will open the door to the best international information. With this tool you will optimise your global credit risk management.

D&B Direct+ International API

With D&B Direct+ International API you can make the best decisions by quickly and efficiently integrating into your systems the data you need on more than 600 million international companies.

ESG Intelligence

With INFORMA’s ESG Intelligence you will have at your fingertips the necessary tools such as D&B ESG Ranking and D&B Risk Analytics ESG platform to evaluate ESG aspects of customers and suppliers and comply with current regulations.

Added-value Products for the international risk management

International Marketing Database

With INFORMA, you can access marketing listings from all over the world and carry out international marketing actions to reach your future customers before your competitors do.

If you need to carry out an international marketing action, we have the data you need to design your listings and launch your international campaigns. We provide the information you need to start a business relationship with any company in another country. Discover all the advantages:

  • Start doing business internationally by accessing the most comprehensive international database.
  • Opimise your international marketing actions and reactive your business worldwide.
  • Maximise your international marketing campaigns to boost your sales and stimulate your company´s growth.
International Marketing Database