As we belong to the Dun&Bradstreet Worldwide Network, INFORMA offers you global ESG solutions, which will help you to know and manage the ESG performance of your suppliers’ and customer's chain, thus allowing you to improve your own performance in this field, which is directly affected by that of the companies with which you interact.
D&B's global ESG solutions help you to understand the ESG performance of your suppliers’ and customers’ chain and to identify potential hidden ESG risks in your supply chain that may threaten your sustainability objectives.
With these solutions you will have:
The D&B ESG Ranking ranks companies based on their ESG performance, measured from all data collected on ESG factors, being 1 the best and 5 the worst result.
This ranking collects information on:
You can access the ESG Ranking on more than 80 million companies worldwide and 2,1 million in Spain to find out their commitment of your customers and suppliers through:
A platform that allows you to deepen into your ESG knowledge of your suppliers’ and customers’ chain.
ESG Rankings and all the data from the ESG assessments of your suppliers’ and customers’ chain integrated via API in your systems.
ESG Rankings and ESG assessment data sent in a batch .csv file.
This tool allows you to manage the ESG performance of your suppliers’ and customers’ chain in greater depth and detail.
By a self-assessment survey, your suppliers and customers will provide information that is consolidated with the information from D&B ESG rankings, so that you have a complete overview of their ESG situation and performance.
Find out what can we offer you in terms of ESG and sustainability
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