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Financial Information

Financial Information

Informa D&B offers financial information on Spanish Companies. A database on more than 7,4 million companies and sole proprietorships.

INFORMA has the best Financial Information on Spanish Companies; you could consult business reports with companies' filed accounts information containing:

Situation Balance Sheet

The balance sheet of the company shows the net worth situation of the company as well as its economic obligations. It is formed by Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth. Click here for additional information on companies' balance sheets.

Profit and Loss Account

The accounting records of incoming and outgoing payments at 31 December (or at the specific closing date of each company), it does not reflect cash flows but recognized rights and liabilities. It should coincide with the result of the exercise reported in the situation balance sheet.

Net worth changes status

It collects all the net worth changes, not only those due to revenues and expenditure included in the profit and loss account but also those accounting variations associated to the net worth of the company.

Cash flow status

It provides the necessary financial information to report the cash flows and show the economic liquidity situation of the company.

Annual financial report of the company

The annual financial report of a company is a document in which it explains its main accounting situation and cash flow characteristics. There are several types of information that have to be included in the annual financial report.

Which report includes the financial information?

At Informa there are different reports that meet different users' needs; you could consult a comparative table at the reports page.

All the financial information of the company is shown in the Financial Report; the most complete report providing all the financial statements situation.

Within the financial information some graphs and comments help to understand the situation and evolution of the company: Profit and loss account, net worth, liabilities and assets composition graphs and comments.

Which report includes the financial information?

We want to help you take the best decisions, and thus we have a wide range of Solutions depending on your needs.

Want to know more?

In addition to this financial information filed by the company, the financial report includes the main economic ratios to assess the situation of the company:

Balance ratios:

Working capital, soundness ratio, average collection period and average payment delay.

Liquidity ratios:

Current ratio and quick ratio.

Debt ratios:

Borrowing percentage, external financing average cost, debt service coverage and interest coverage.

General and activities ratios:

Auto financing generated by sales and by assets, breakdown point, average sales volume per employee, average cost per employee and assets turnover.

Results ratios:

Economic Profitability, Operating Profitability and Financial Profitability.

Balance and indebtedness are one of the most relevant pieces of information to analyse the financial situation of a company. That is why a graphics and comments section concerning balance and indebtedness is included.

What other financial analysis solutions are there?

Apart from financial information balance sheets, our financial solutions provide you with the best tools to manage your company’s Financial Risk and to reduce the Non-payment Risk: Sabi INFORMA, Leanus and D&B Finance Analytics.

A wide range of Financial Information Solutions that would simplify economic balance sheets analysis, your client's portfolio risk control or processing registry requests.

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